Enhance MyCalendar
With the help of the program you can quickly and easily generate the calendar with emphasized own holidays (e.g.: the birthday, anniversaries, important dates etc.).
The program creates the separate sheet of paper for every month. After binding them you will receive the unique wall or desktop calendar.
In order to enhance his appearance, it is possible to stick the calendar (12 sheets of papers) to the carton of the A3 format. It...
Users' rating
Applicability: 4.6

Easiness: 4.6

Average rate worked out on the basis of 10 latest rates in the scale from 1 (very poor) to 5 (very good).
If in the program something, what according to you is malfunctioning is if you think that a new option should be if doing something in the program causes you the special difficulty - write me. Every new opinion is in detail analysed. For them of more remarks and the suggestion handed down by staying a work will be all the simpler with the program.